Florida Branch AALAS also promotes the goals, values, and ethics of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS). AALAS is the "premier forum for the exchange of information and expertise in the care and use of laboratory animals" and "is dedicated to the humane care and treatment of laboratory animals and the quality research that leads to scientific gains that benefit people and animals."
For more information on the programs, products, and services rendered by AALAS
visit www.aalas.org
Are you looking to volunteer and contribute to the Lab Animal Science Field???? Then consider running in the campaign for a FAALAS Council position. Open positions, term length, and general responsibilities:
You must be a current FULL FAALAS member in good standing to hold a Council position. ASSOCIATE members are not eligible. If interested please send a picture and short Bio about yourself and why you’d like to join FAALAS Council to faalaswebmaster@gmail.com, by |